
Friday, March 16, 2018

A hard week in sales

We 've all been there... Having a bad week, where not only does your sales quota suffer, but everything in your life.

What can you do to control the damage you know you can't avoid?

I can tell you right now, from personal experience that your daily routine and your habits are the only things that will help you to continue closing sales and surviving a bad week in sales. 

In the past years, I have come to know myself well enough to understand that every 9-10 week I have a bad week. In the beginning, I was trying to fight through it, only to have it extend into two weeks or more. Now I know better. I have established my daily rituals so strong in my life that even on bad weeks I follow them and just move a little slower and be mindful of my energy. My basic rituals include:

1. Planning my day in advance. I never get out of the house without knowing exactly where am I supposed to go and all the appointments are organized. I do this in the weekend (in my weekly review. I am a GTD fan) and leave room for some more reading time in the bad week.

2. Writing my goals. Every day. That may sound absurd but, trust me on this, it is imperative especially in the bad week. It keeps you focused and obsessed with your goals!

3. Setting time with my kids. Every day I have about 3 full hours with my kids. I have come to realize that gratitude for what you have makes you more focused on your goals. I play with my kids, take walks with them and talk to them. No work. I would rather wake up a bit earlier to catch up (I get up at 5:45).

4. Crossfit. Yep, I do CrossFit and talk about it! Every night at 21:00 I do an hour of CrossFit and that just makes me feel perfect on the bad days. It is on these days that vigorous training puts out a lot of internal fires for me, both professional and personal. 

That's it! Find your daily rituals, stick to them and they will get you through the bad weeks that are bound to happen in your life as a salesperson (or just a professional at what you do for that matter!)

Good luck to everyone!

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